23 1月 Uncategorized HKZN was Invited to China International Mechanical and Electrical Products Fair! 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 11月21日至23日,中国工业博览会在安徽省合肥市滨湖国际会展中心举办,这是由中国机械工业集团、中国兵器工业集团等单位共同主办的综合性工业博览会。 2023年会展将设置15个展区,重点展示国家重大装备、智能制造、工业互联网、新...Continue reading
23 1月 Uncategorized HKZN Guangzhou Bay Headquarters Base Glory Sealing-top! 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 12月12日,香港中新湾区总部基地封顶仪式在热烈隆重的氛围中举行。 香港中新湾区总部基地已初显靓丽轮廓,从规划蓝图到辉煌封顶,我们共同见证了这辉煌的时刻。 在全场热烈的掌声中,总经理谭志勇先生发表讲话,对项目参与人员不分昼夜的辛勤工作表示...Continue reading
17 1月 Uncategorized Some FAQs About the HKZN Sand Mill 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 Q: What's the working principle the wet sand mill? A: The rotor component drives the Brownian motion of the grinding medium to di...Continue reading
19 8月 Uncategorized Good News! HKZN was selected as the National Special New “Little Giant” Enterprise 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of the fifth batch of specialized and new "little gian...Continue reading
19 8月 Uncategorized Lectures on the status, trends and investment opportunities of new energy development! 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 In order to comply with the development of the times and the continuous revolution of the industry, improve the company's business pers...Continue reading
19 8月 Uncategorized HKZN Participated In the First LFP Industry Chain Summit Forum 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 Meeting Background Since the second half of 2020, the lithium iron phosphate industry has entered the high-speed development runway,...Continue reading
17 7月 Uncategorized HKZN 8th Anniversary Celebration Banquet 2024-01-22 By pintreel000 On 28th,May 2023, the 8th Anniversary Banquet of HKZN was held. All the company's employees and hundreds of special guests are invite...Continue reading
17 7月 Uncategorized HKZN New Factory Groundbreaking Ceremony 2024-01-22 By pintreel000 On June 9, the foundation stone laying ceremony for HKZN Bay Area Headquarters Base - New Energy Vehicle Lithium Battery High-end Equ...Continue reading
17 7月 Uncategorized HKZN attended the CIBF 2023 2024-01-22 By pintreel000 On May 16, 2023, China International Battery Fair (CIBF) grandly opened at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center...Continue reading