27 3월 Uncategorized HKZN looking forward to your visit at Hall N1T177, CIBF 2024 Chongqing Exhibition 27-29,April 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 Guangdong Hongkai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. invites you to visit CIBF2024 16th Chongqing International Battery Technology Exhibi...Continue reading
12 3월 Uncategorized “EV TREND KOREA 2024” March 6 – 8, 2024; Our booth number is H309 ( A hall) 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 South Korea's electric vehicle market is growing rapidly, and the government plans to invest 20.3 trillion won over the next five years...Continue reading
12 3월 Uncategorized 15th INT’L SMART GRID EXPO Smart Energy Week 26-29th Feb, Big Sight in Tokyo, our Booth number E48-19 2024-06-21 By pintreel000 我们在日本的展会是:第15届国际智能电网博览会将于2月26日至29日在东京Big Sight举行。主题是智能能源周。我们的展位号是E48-19。 长期以来,鸿开智能在把握国内市场的同时,致力于海外市场的开拓;2024年,鸿开智能选择继续加速出海进程。 鸿凯智...Continue reading